The Agile Fluency Game: Now Available!
February 28, 2017
Five years ago, Arlo Belshee and I created a game about agile adoption. The ideas in that game influenced the Agile Fluency™ Model, Arlo's Agile Engineering Fluency map, and the Agile Fluency Diagnostic. We always intended to publish the game more widely, but the time and money required to do professional publishing job was just too much.
Until now.
I am very proud to announce that, in collaboration with the Agile Fluency Project, the game I've spent the last five years play-testing and revising is finally available! I'm conducting a special workshop with Diana Larsen that's packed full of useful exercises to improve your Agile coaching and training. Every participant will get a professional-produced box set of the game to take home.
Every time we've run the Agile Fluency Game, players have asked to get their own copy. Now it's finally available.