Using Fit for Agile Requirements Collaboration
March 21, 2005
The content from the first half of the presentation, about Fit, can be found in my "Fit Workflow" document on the Fit website.
The content from the second half, about agile requirements collaboration, can be found in my "Beyond Story Cards" write-up.
- Jim Shore -
- Fit -
- Software by Numbers - Denne & Cleland-Huang
- Extreme Programming Explained, 2nd Ed. - Beck, Andres
- Lean Software Development - Poppendieck
Software by Numbers is a great book that talks about how you can increase your return on investment just by changing the order in which you deliver features. Kent Beck has released a new edition of Extreme Programming Explained. It's a good book and reflects a lot of experience in helping teams understand XP. Finally, Lean Software Development is my favorite book for understanding the principles that underlie agile methods. I highly recommend it.